Monday, October 13, 2008

Prevention of Heart Disease and Stroke - Start With the Less Salty Way

You can prevent heart disease and stroke by reducing your consumption of salt. Do you know that you can lessen your chances of dying from heart disease or stroke by reducing your consumption of salt by just half a teaspoon a day? A joint report on diet,nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases by experts from the World Health Organization(WHO) and the Food & Agriculture Organization(FAO),states that a 3g reduction in daily salt intake would result in a 20% drop in deaths from stroke. As for heart disease,the drop would be 15%.
The good news is that reducing your salt intake is much easier than implementing other limitations in diet or doing some special exercise routines. It is easier and very effective. Moreover,salt intake,blood pressure and hypertension are closely related. Those suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure,are usually advised to control or reduce their intake of salt. A more important note is that hypertension is the single biggest risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
Heart disease and stroke affect a billion people worldwide. Together with high cholesterol and glucose levels,smoking,insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables,being obese and overweight,accounts for about 80% of deaths due to heart disease and stroke. The two common factors that lead to heart disease and stroke are an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Therefore,small changes to diet and exercising regularly will have a huge impact in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
In effecting changes in diet and exercise,it is important to ensure that the selected programs have been proven effective. Additionally,in terms of diet,the preference should be on one that is simple and offers as many variations as possible. Such a diet will be easy to follow and sustainable in the long term. This will ensure that any weight loss that the diet achieves in the short term can be maintained over the long term.
Another point to note is that smoking,heart disease and stroke are closely linked. It is well documented that smoking is also associated to a number of other serious diseases. Of these,lung and mouth cancer are of particular concern. The best option for those at risk is to quit smoking. To do so, they can make it easier on themselves by using one of several leading products that have helped thousands to quit smoking.
Take control. Take charge. Decide on being healthier and enjoy a better quality of life. Heart disease and stroke are life threatening conditions. Deal with it by selecting a diet system that is a leader in the weight loss industry. The system has proven effective as it includes simple weight loss exercises aimed at better caloric burn. See the review,get your free guide to the 5 secrets that weight loss companies do not want you to know,use the potential weight loss calculator and start feeling better.
If you smoke,do yourself a favor by visiting our quit smoking site by clicking on the link in the main article. The information and product reviews will enable you to quit smoking with confidence and full assurance. The products reviewed have helped thousands to quit the habit. Join them and enjoy the benefits. Reduce your risk to heart disease and stroke. Start today. Delay is not an option as your health is at stake.
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