Thursday, September 18, 2008

Five Guidelines For Exercise During Pregnancy

All women should exercise during their pregnancy. Not only does it keep baby weight down, it prepares the Mom to be for an easier labour and strengthens muscles for post natal recovery.
Expecting mothers should play it safe by hiring a personal trainer that specializes in post and pre natal care, to ensure the safety of themselves and their baby.
Here are FIVE Guidelines for training during pregnancy that every Mom should know:
1. Perform crunches as you normal would before you hit the 20 week mark. Crunches are not only okay to do during pregnancy, they are extremely beneficial. By continuing with your abdominal routine you are strengthening an area that undergoes stress during labour. Having strong abs makes delivery and recovery much easier on both Mom and baby.
2. Perform crunches after 20 weeks seated or on your side. You should not be on your back after 20 weeks. It decreases blood flow to the womb. Hire a pre/post natal personal trainer to instruct proper crunch technique for after five months of pregnancy.
3. Reduce weight and increase reps to strengthen connective tissues and ligaments. When you become pregnant, it's not advisable to increase weight intensity, especially if you did not exercise prior to getting pregnant. As pregnancy progresses and joints become more loose, you will want to strengthen more than the major muscle groups to ensure that everything is strong and ready to deal with the physical demands of pregnancy and labour.
4. Use free weights instead of machines. Using dumbbells also helps to strengthen the core and the smaller muscle groups. It also helps to improve balance which will be necessary once the larger tummy throws off your centre of gravity. Always use free weights over machines to get more out of your workouts.
5. After 20 weeks, switch to exercises on your side. Any exercise you were performing before 20 weeks on your back, now has to be done of your side. You can still get an excellent and challenging full body workout lying down. Hire a pre/post natal personal trainer to teach you how to work out your whole body using exercises specifically designed for pregnancy, no matter what physical condition you are in.
Exercising during pregnancy helps you feel great and reduce pregnancy discomforts such as backache, cramping, sleeplessness and constipation. Remember to stay well hydrated and include a long stretch routine after your workouts.
Who knows? You may come out of pregnancy more fit than ever before!
Be A Fit Mom!
Kaleena LawlessPersonal Training Specialist
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