Monday, October 13, 2008

Heart Bypass Surgery - Some Information That May Be Helpful

When your arteries become too clogged with fat, cholesterol and other substances, the blood flow to your heart becomes decreased and may even stop altogether. This condition can either lead to a heart attack or to chest pain. When this becomes the case you are going to need heart bypass surgery.
The surgery entails precisely what the name suggests. Your arteries need to bypass the clogged areas allowing for greater blood flow. This is done by creating an entirely new path for the arteries to follow. The new path usually comes from a blood vessel taken from a different part of the body. A person may undergo one, two, three or even more depending on how severe the blockage turns out to be.
After your heart bypass surgery, your heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored for approximately the next 12 to 24 hours while you are still on a breathing tube. If you seem to be progressing well, your doctors may decide to remove the breathing tube and wake you from the anesthesia. You will most likely be kept in the hospital for about a week while your doctors perform more tests. And just like any other surgery and incisions that the doctor has to make you will most likely be quite tender. If you are in the Chicago area the coal city hospital would be a good place to check out.
The most important thing to remember during your recovery period as well as for the rest of your life is to eat foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. You should also make sure to get some sort of light exercise in throughout your day. Slowly but surely you will be able to get back into your old workout routines, if you had any. If you were previously a smoker you will need to quit in order to keep your heart and body as healthy as possible.
One major thing you should keep in mind when it comes to your heart bypass surgery is that while it sounds safe enough, there are still several risks that you should consider. No one is guaranteed to come out of a heart bypass surgery flawlessly.
So if you do find yourself or a loved one in need of heart bypass surgery just remember how serious of a procedure this actually is. If you or your loved one is having their heart bypass surgery at a Coal City Illinois hospital, you can be rest assured that they are getting the best care possible. The health of your body and heart should be your number one concern when it comes to your health. Doing your best by eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise will help to reduce the risk that you will end up having heart bypass surgery.
If you are looking for more information on having a heart bypass surgery or the coal city hospital, be sure to check out Riverside Medical Center today. Riverside Medical Center can provide you with all the information you need about their coal city Illinois hospital as well.
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