Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home Pregnancy Test Information

Congratulations! You may suspect that you are pregnant and are anxious and excited to take a pregnancy test to confirm if you are expecting. Before you get started, it is important to learn home pregnancy test information to understand how best to interpret your results. Not all home pregnancy tests are the same and not all testing periods of time are the same either. In order to ensure that the results you get are accurate, it is important to get the best home pregnancy test information possible.
First, you need to know that the most accurate results from home pregnancy tests occur when you use what's known as FMU: first morning urine. First morning urine contains higher concentrations of certain hormones because it is undiluted with any drinks you may have had and it has likely been some time since your last trip to the bathroom. Even if you are pregnant, urine from later in the day can lead to false negative test results because of lower concentrations of hCG and other pregnancy hormones.
Next, you need to know that while many pregnancy tests advertise that they can show positive results up to several days before your period is due, that this does not apply for all women. Every woman's body produces hormones at different rates, and so while some may experience a positive pregnancy test days before a due period, others may not get a positive result until after a period is already overdue.
Finally, it is important to understand that home pregnancy tests are not fail safe. It is possible for them to register both false positive and false negative test results. To help to avoid false positives and false negatives, it is important that you follow all of the directions on the test precisely as they are written. If you read results too early or too late, you will often not get accurate information. Likewise, if you test too early, you will likely not find out whether you are actually pregnant or not.
Whenever you have a positive home pregnancy test or suspect that a negative test result may be wrong, you need to consult with your physician for further testing. offers baby information including information on home preganancy tests and much more.
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1 comment:

Oreste said...

Hello Angel, a salute from Rome. Ciao