Friday, August 29, 2008


Tonsil is a liymphatic tissue mass that derives from small lymphatic crypts. Crypts are like small pockets. The lymphatic tissue become infected with a virus or bacteria is called tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is avery common disease in all the age group especially in children.

  • Painful swallowing .
  • Enlarged tonsils.
  • Pain radiating to the ear.
  • High fever ad chills.


In most cases tonsillitis can be treat by antibiotics. However, if reccurrent infection occured, surgical removal of tonsil (Tonsillectomy) is the best choice.

Home remedies:

1. Try this Ginger coffee.


  • Dried ginger --- one small piece
  • Small red onion---4 nos.
  • Crushed Black pepper---1 tsp.
  • Cumin seed---1/2 tsp.
  • Holy basil leaves---20 nos.
  • Jaggery---1 cube.


Take a bowel with 250 ml of water and put all ingredients together in the bowl and boil until it become 150 ml. Add little coffee powder for taste. Drink it three time daily..

2. Warm saline gargle.

Make a black tea and add little salt to it then gargle four to five times daily.


Sinuses are air containing cavities situated arround the nose. There are four types of sinuses: Maxillary,Frontal, Ethmoidal and Sphenoid. Inflammation of mucous membrane of these sinuses is called sinusitis. Most of the sinuses are getting inflammation. however, commonly found more in Maxillary and Frontal sinuses. Sinuses are joined to the nasal cavity via small orifices called ostia. These may become blocked easly by allergic inflammation, common cold, swelling in the nasal region by trauma etc.. Allergy may cause excess production of mucos. it may get bacterial or viral infections.

The symptoms:

The symptoms are sever headache, heaviness of head, pain arround eyes , pain in upper teeth, pain on the face, post nasal drip, nasal discharge.


The treatment of sinusitis is essencially medical. The principles of treatment are relief of symptoms, proviiding drainage through nasal cavity. Nasal obstruction is relieved by medicated steam inhalation

home remedies:

  • Take some black cumin seed in your hand and intermittently inhale it.
  • Pick 10 to 15 holy basil leaves , putt it in the water and boil it for few minuts. Put the blanket over your head and inhale the steam throuh your nose as much as possible.
  • Pick some fresh mint leaves grind it and make a paste apply it on the forehead.


Headache is defined as a pain in the head which is normaly found on the forehead through the upper neck of the head.

Most of the headaches are having unknown cause. some headaches are mainly derived from any other diseases or conditions such as meningitis, sinusitis, brain haemorrhage, brain tumer, dehydration. Migraine is commonly found in peoples. It occures mainly due to the lack of sleeping, excessive sunlight expossure, long time reading , watching TV, Improper food habit and travel.

Home remedies:

  • Take some water in a bowl and boil it few minuts and inhale the steam vapor many times.
  • Take 3 or 4 small onions and crush it with salt to become like a paste and apply it on forehead.
  • Take one tsp of cumin seed and cresh it and put it ina glass of milk . boil it and drink it every morning.
  • Take some fresh Holy basil leaves and sqeeze to get one tsp. juice from it. Mix with one tsp. honey and drink it in the morning before food.
  • Take one tsp. dried ginger powder in a small bowl . Add little warm water to it and mix it well to become paste . Apply it on the forhead.


The term Anemia impulsed an abnormaly low number of circulating red blood cells or a decreased concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Reduction in hemoglobin concentration decreases the capacity of the blood to transport and deliver oxygen to the tissues.
Types of Anemia .

  • Iron deficiency Anemia.
  • Pernicious Anemia
  • Aplastic Anemia

Iron deficiency Anemia are conditions in wich the total body iron content is decreased below the normal level. This can be caused by Iron content food deficiancy , excessive bleeding impaired gastrointestinal absorption of Iron. Pernicious Anemia is produced a defect in the gastric secretory function or inadicate absorption of Vitamin B12 witch is necessary for the maturation of RBCS. Aplastic Anemia is a condition of bone marrow failure which results in reduced production of all blood cells. This condition caused by congenital, excessive use of Drugs such as antibiotics, analgesics and ionizing radiation. Approximately 50% of aplastic anemia cases are of unknown etiology.

Symptoms of Anemia.

Fatigue, pale, headache, dizziness, palpitation and dyspnea, edema of leg and weight loss are the main symptoms of Anemia.

Dietry implications.

Approximately 6mg. of iron is ingested per 1000 calories.
Food sources of iron: Raggi , jaggery, meat fish, poultry and egg, leafy vegitables, dried fruits,cereal products, whole grains, dried beans.
Ascorbic acid has been shown to enhance iron absorption.

Home remedies.

  • Boil one glass of milk with one pinch of black pepper powder. drink it every night before going to bed.
  • Take one cup of drumstic leaves with half cup of scraped coconut and boil it with water. drink when it is cool.
  • Drink one glass of carrot juice mixed with beetroot juice daily.
  • Eat lots of dates because dates is rich source of iron .

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sleep tips

Are you have troublesome sleeping ? Dont worry here is some simple tips for you.

First of all you dont get worried. lot of people suffering from insomnia like you ...
I think exercise is very importent for you now .

  • Do some exercise like walking , jogging, playing outdoor games etc...
  • Avoid coffee or tea before going bed.
  • Avoid drinking Alcohol.
  • Take a warm water bath before going bed.
  • Drink one glass of warm milk.
  • Keep your bedroom cool, calm and quiet.
  • Take your favourite book and start reading while you are on the bed.
Good night .. Have a DEEP SLEEP...!